About us

Our mission
Changing the game through the Blockchain
New generations are showing us that traditional models must be rethought to integrate new possibilities for everyone. Therefore, our mission is to revolutionize the financial and real estate markets with D¥N, a token resistant to speculation and with the versatility that only a virtual currency of this type can offer.
Thanks to its characteristics and reference in the real estate market, D¥N will have less speculation and more versatility than other payment tokens.

building the company
Dynasty Global was created in 2016. By balancing the essence of disruptive businesses with the Real Estate Market, Dynasty bridges the digital and real worlds, allowing transactions to flow freely across borders through our real estate-referenced ERC-20 token.

Founded by Brazilians,
with global focus.
Eduardo Carvalho
GLOBAL CEO AND FOUNDER10 years of experience in real estate and technology. Member of the innovation committee at Lopes Real Estate since 2014. In 2004 he launched the brand RevelaWeb, the largest e-commerce for products and photo printing in Brazil. He is primarily responsible for the development and implementation of special projects in the group.
FOUNDER AND HEAD OF REAL ESTATEStrong experience in the retail and technology market. For over 15 years, he was the manager of a number of startups in these areas. There were more than 700 employees and annual income of $200M under his command.
what is our token D¥N
We are merging our global expertise in Real Estate and Blockchain technology with D¥N. The payment token is designed to accommodate a wide range of transactions within the ecosystem. It allows holders to (i): convert their money to and from D¥Ns tokens - using the full security and convenience of blockchain technology, providing token holders with an alternative to storing and transacting tokens; and (ii) use D¥Ns tokens for payments with trading partners that are part of the ecosystem.